Dear Santa,

I would like a candy cane this year. Can I please have a toy too and Mommy says I need new pajamas. I have been a very good girl, I learned to use the potty this year.
Love Elise, age 3
Dear Santa,

I would like a candy cane and a toy too please. Can I have something fun to draw with. I love to draw. Mommy says I need new pajamas too. I have been a very good girl this year, Im learning to say my words and I use the potty like a big girl too! I even stopped puling on the cats tail.
Love Lydia, age (almost) 2

(I wrote their letters for them, then they "wrote" their own)
Cute! I get lots of letters to santa with my American Girl account...a lot of them are really cute/funny.
Also: you need to come visit us in the frozen north sometime.
And my word verification thingy down there says "chests". How amusing.
This is so sweet I need to go brush my teeth. :D
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